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Biographical Info
I am a mom, a partner, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a friend, a Registered Clinical Counsellor through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors and a BC Registered Play Therapist through the BC Play Therapy Association. I support children and youth through online counselling and family support and adults with grief and loss. For the past 20 years, I have been dedicated to learning about and working in the helping field and I have been focused on helping to support children and families with grief and loss. I also work with children and families as they navigate through other life challenges and triumphs. I have learned grief and loss are not only about death. There is grief and loss in many parts of life. We may lose relationships. We may experience loss if we move or we have to change schools. We may mourn the loss of dreams that did not come true, or the life we once had that is forever changed. Grief is profound and a very real part of our lives. My goal is to provide a safe space to process thoughts and feelings about grief, loss, anger, shame, love, frustration, joy, or any feeling you can think of. We will work together to find healthy ways to express those feelings.
Board/Committee Member, BC Registered Play Therapist (BCRPT)
Office City
British Columbia
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